I signed up for a Level I Reiki course given through our Adult Ed at the local high school. It was a 4 week course taught by a psychiatric nurse. What a wonderful class with great people! I learned a lot and since my attunement have noticed that just talking or thinking about Reiki "turns on" my hands! They start to tingle and throb. I have given Reiki treatment to my husband on his knee that he had surgery on and developed a Baker's cyst, sore ribs and an aching back. He fell asleep during the rib treatment, but doesn't believe me! I never knew you could snore while awake. He also thinks he cured his back himself, by positive thinking, but I think the Reiki did it. I use it on myself almost daily and really want to get my Level II training. At our last class, we did hands on practise with other class members and the person I worked on had a sore, stiff neck which went away after my treatment. The instructor had brought up the book "The Secret" and I had a couple extra copies, so took them to class and told the ones who didn't have it (there were only 8 of us in the class) they could take them and when they were done reading them to pass them onto someone they thought would be interested in it. I really liked the instructor, she was great. I'm supposed to send her some info on Aikido, I gave her my business card for the red-light treatment, she was curious about that too. It was funny how I even decided to take the class, I had seen it on the schedule for the winter course and didn't get signed up. In April I was looking through the Blog Radio shows and saw an interview with Anna Twinney. I didn't know who she was, but decided to listen to it and she turned out to be a Master Reiki Teacher. She was so enthusiastic about it, I decided I would look into it more. The next day I got a special spring flyer and Reiki was offered again. I e-mailed my friend "L" and she had just come from a Reiki session and loved it! I knew I had to sign up after all these "coincidences".
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