We're having fun with the new kittens, they sure do liven up the place! I thought cats were supposed to be quiet, but these two sound like little elephants running around the house like mad critters! They are growing so fast and have such different personalities. The gray male, Mittens, is such a ham and love bug. When tired, he wants to be on your lap with front paws wrapped around your neck and nuzzling your chin and nose! Then climbs on your shoulders and rubs all over your face. Love me, love me! The female tiger and white, Bella (who always gets called Mini) disappears when she's tired and only comes out when you call her to get fed. Then she plays with such intensity til she wears herself out! She loves the little rabbit fur mice, carries them every where and just beats the stuffing out of them! She will let you hold her any way you want, will lay on her back, let you cradle her like a baby, but you usually have to intiate it. Mittens so wants to go outside, but Bella is scared. When Alan came down the stairs the other day, the two kittens were laying on a baby saddle pad on the landing and the parakeet was sitting on the basket right beside them! Don't know how she got all the way in there, had to fly or walk through the kitchen and down the hall to get to the stair landing, but there they were, just hanging out! We're postponing putting up a Christmas tree this year, Mittens has reprised Fancy's role as Catzilla in the little lighted village I put out every year, so I'm sure a tree with hangy things will be quite an attraction for them! Oh, and the cat hating husband insisted I come take a picture of Mittens sleeping the other day, coz "he looks just like me when I sleep!"

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