Well, so far, relocating the horses is proving to be much easier than relocating ourselves! We have the two portable run-ins and the lumber ready for the new one, fence posts ready to go and they'll have plenty to munch on! Their transition to the land should be quite a bit easier to manage than ours.
We've looked at used mobile homes. We've been to 4 dealers so far and found one we would live in! Its $26,000.00 plus it would have to be moved and set up. The others ranged from $13,000.00 to $20,000.00 and all but one of those I would seriously not let my dog live in! The one I find liveable, Alan does not, so its not my pickyness holding us up, LOL! We looked at the camper, and it is in nice shape, but those close a quarters for an extended period, and then having to rent something different in the winter seems too complicated.
Bring in the yurt! We are going to get the house plans drawn up today, and get an estimate on materials. Since we want to do this move and come out of it financially free from a mortgage, it will probably take at least a year. So far, the most comfortable, economical and lets face it, fun (at least for a while) solution, seems to be a yurt. I know they resell quickly and are moveable. So a trip to NH to White Mountain Yurts is in order I believe. We are going to check out the yurt at Friend's Folly Farm in Monmouth, they got their Yarn Yurt from WMY. We stayed in a small yurt when we went to Grand Manan Island last year, and it was one of our best vacations there! More yurt info on this and many other sites.

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