Ever since I found the trail head to miles of trails just literally outside my front door, I've been on a mission to find a new riding horse for Alan and I. Being limited to 4 horses and having half of those unrideable or not one we wanted to ride was becoming more unacceptable all the time. It was easier in the other house where our riding opportunities were more limited, but now we have access to arenas and trails within walking distance. So I've shopped (more than usual, LOL!) and tried one out that didn't work out and shook my confidence in even knowing or being able to recognize a good riding horse.
One day Alan and I went to the local sale barn and my friend there said they had a horse she thought we should look at. So although we didn't have much time and it was raining/cold, we went down to the back barn (not all the horses there are on the way to Canada, btw, they keep horses that have sold in one area, sick horses in another and a little herd on the other side) to pull out a gelding who was getting bullied but she really liked. He was a draft cross, bay with white spot and snip on his face, very nervous and prancing around. We were told his former owner was a young woman who had used him for barrel racing and found he was too slow. He was yahooed around a lot and expected to run when ridden. I wasn't really surprised he didn't work out as a barrel horse, LOL! He's only 15.2h or so, we didn't think he was big enough and he was being kind of an idiot, so we said thanks and left.
A couple of days later, the girls wanted to stop by the barn to visit their friend and look at the horses after Girl Scouts, so I took them over. Amber fell in love with a 2 yo roan filly who is gorgeously colored and very sweet. She was in a box stall, and in the tie stall right across was the gelding we had looked at. He kept moving his butt over and craning his neck around. I thought he was trying to scratch himself or had dropped his hay, so I went and scratched him and checked the hay. He had plenty, but as we played with the filly he kept doing that, looking at us from one side, then moving his butt to the other so he could crane around and look at us from the other. They all said he wants to go home with you! All the other horses in the tie stalls were just standing there munching hay, so it was pretty funny.
We decided to let Amber go back and try out the little filly on Monday and the gelding was still there. He had settled in really well and I was urged to at least see him go and try him out. So I did and we got along fabulously. He was whinnying to his girlfriends, but kept right on working and listening, didn't put up a fuss and seemed much bigger when you were riding him. I was wishing someone who knew more was there to give me some advise, and lo and behold, the girl's former riding instructor showed up and watched me ride him. She really liked him, said he moved really well, but he would need schooling. I was encouraged that she liked him, so put down a deposit and arranged to have Alan go ride him.
When Alan finally had a day off, it was cold and rainy again. We went to the barn and they brought Apollo out, Alan looked at him and I could see he didn't think he was big enough for him. He didn't want to ride and since this horse was supposed to be multi-purpose for both of us to use, I asked if they had anything suitable that was bigger. There was a very large black bay draft named Samson that we were shown. Alan really liked him and Samson seemed to take to Alan too. He walked him around some and then put him back. Samson was a little thin and had no muscle mass at all. He'd been a cart horse with limited riding experience. I said we'd make a decision and I would go back up to try Samson out. I planned to go the next day, but it was cold and very windy and I already had to ride at Horsemaster's, so I didn't get to the barn that Saturday and they're not open Sunday. So I headed up to the barn on Monday, just praying for wisdom and a sign for what the right decision would be for us. When I was halfway there Alan called and said he had a 3 hour break from work and he'd meet me there. I was so nervous because of past mistakes and questioning my judgement. We also had decided to trade in a mare who hadn't worked out for us that had come from that barn 5 years ago and presented us with a surprise colt! That was a hard thing for me to decide as so many people act like you're sending them to an express death at slaughter if you sell to a sale barn. But I really felt that would be the best chance for her to find a home because so many people go there looking to buy. Anyway, I got there and was told the decision would be easier since Samson had sold on Saturday! I also found out he was a kicker at mealtimes if any horse got near and he was also sick. So we tried out Apollo and Alan did like him after riding him. Its funny how much bigger he looks tacked up in the western saddle and when you're sitting on him. The rider at the barn took him out on the road right after tacking up and he walked by the pasture with his girlfriends with no fuss. He did whinny but walked right on by, no resistance. He did whatever he was asked and was not shy of cars or trucks. The rider is Alan's size, so he could see that Apollo looked good with a bigger rider. So then it was decision time and I was still unsure.
So a few things had already fallen into place, Samson was out of the picture, Alan surprised me by showing up and riding and the last piece was amazing.
I walked into the store, and who should be there but the very person I had wished for! She had seen Alan and I both ride Apollo and had ridden him herself. She gave her seal of approval and thought he'd be great for us! She described him as sane, sensible and sound, a big "little" horse. She told Alan he looked great on him too. I couldn't believe it. Then she said not to feel bad about trading my mare, that my friend that works there knew her and would advocate for her and she thought it was also a good place to find her a new home. I didn't even ask for that, but it was what I really needed to hear. This lady is amazing at reading horses and people, I'm so glad I'm getting to learn from her. So the deal was struck, we were very happy with the trade, Apollo loaded right up with Alan and now we start our journey! I feel confident that this was the right horse and the right thing to do. Let the fun begin!
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