Friday, April 18, 2008

More Great Results!

I just got an e-mail from the owner of the latest horse I used the red lights on. She said he's been rolling and playing with his pasture-mate, which he hadn't been doing and that he's been doing great when being ridden. He had been kicking out and bucking quite consistantly and they hadn't cantered in well over a year. He's stopped the kicking out and bucking and cantered steady and balanced! This guy was so worried about being touched in certain areas, threatening a kick in some places. Its funny though, I just put my hand on his leg and told him it would be ok, went slow, and he did okay. The last 3 horses I've done have all threatened to kick, but none have, even when I'm bending down in front of their hind legs to scan their lower legs and hooves. A few years ago, that would have scared the beejeebers out of me, now I just acknowledge their concern and work around it calmly. It makes me so happy to hear the horses are feeling so much better, how rewarding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prime's stifle is bothering him a bit just recently and it's setting some other things "off". I'm going to try and get you out again, right after I get the dentist out and get a load of hay from Canada. It's always one thing or another, isn't it?