Then we found this house when driving around, checking out the modular homes and really liked most of it, but it was a bit too small, so we tried to combine the two plans to make one that would work for us. It was a bad decision to do that. Nothing was working out the way I wanted and it got very frustrating and overwhelming to where I didn't even want to think about it. So I didn't, just put it on hold and got settled in the camper for the winter and got through the holidays. The one thing I've heard most people say who have built a house, is that they wish they had taken more time. Getting into the house became more important than doing it right, so I'm trying not to make that mistake and not rush into anything. Hey, camper living isn't too bad really!

So about the end of January, I really started focusing on the house plans and what to do about them. I told Alan I was done with trying to fix the ones we had, maybe we should start over. So I pulled out the plans of the first house, and really, they are almost perfect, probably why we picked them in the first place! It is a little bigger, but the wing is what makes it all work. I went on line and looked up the plan, and found MY HOUSE! Someone actually built it, this is a real picture and its exactly how I imagined ours would be, its even light yellow! So now we're getting a few little things tweaked on this plan and we should be good to go! The main floor is about 1200sf and we'll still have a loft, so about 300sf upstairs, 1500 sf isn't huge so it should be doable. The wing on the right in the picture will be the entryway, and eventually there will be a garage attached. There will be a daylight basement where the girls will have their bedrooms, bathroom and a living area.

Here are some rough drafts of the floor plans, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please share!
2nd Floor Plan
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