Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Head of Falls

It turned out to be a really hot summer after all the rain. We had been spoiled by our pool and being able to jump into it whenever we got too hot working around the farm. The water tank wasn't big enough for all of us, so we had to find a new place to cool off. A new friend told us about a place where there is a dam and you can swim there. It was by the Head of Falls church and turned out to be exactly 5 miles from our driveway.

Its a beautiful place to swim, you can take pool loungers and float down the river propelled by the water spilling through the holes at each end of the dam.
For a jacuzzi like experience, you can brace your feet against the rocks and sit in front of the outlets and let the water pound on your back like a water jet.

There are big rocks to sit on and bask in the sun while being cooled by the water.
This year we would like to take a canoe down the river, it looks like a beautiful canoe ride!

We had so much fun swimming at the dam!

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